Obsessive Compuslsive Cosmetics was founded 3 years ago by David Klasfeld who conducts seminars for make-up departments and television shows. He later teamed up with New York MakeUp artist Katie Pelligrino to create lip tar! The lipstick-lipgloss hybrid caught my attention in the Spring Issue of Zink Magazine. It comes in a tube, as lip gloss does, and is glided on. When applied, the lip tar takes the form of a satin lipstick. Although it was developped with the intention to be mixed with other lip products, the colour of the lip tars are intense enough to be worn as is. OCC does emphasize that it should be used in small doses to prevent leaking! OR, I suggest you find a good lip pencil to outline it. The lip tar comes in over 25 colours and is sold for $13/8ML.