Last night (Friday, September 11, 2009) on Real Time with Bill Maher was definitely an interesting episode. Not sure how many of you are fans of the show (I for one definitely am) but I was left unsettled after watching it last night.
“The Democrats just never learn. Americans don’t really care which side of an issue you’re on as long as you don’t act like pussies,” Maher said.
He continued to take stabs at the Obama administration by insinuating that they were "p*%$ies"...hmmm...says the man who was p*%$y whipped by Super Head?!?!?
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Bill Maher's attack on OBAMA?!?!?!
Posted by
Layla Adonia
3:18 PM
Musiq Soulchild is DOING IT!!!
Posted by
Layla Adonia
2:49 PM
OK so its no new news that Musiq Soulchild is one hell of an artist. Now he's got 3 songs out! All collabos but AMAZING to say the very least! Im absolutely in love with "So Beautiful" the song - he's a lyrical genius! Head over heels for "I'm Leaving" with him and Mary J Blige! Thrilled with "Chocolate High" - he and Indie Arie!
Keri Hilson Newest Video - Slow Dance!!
Posted by
Layla Adonia
2:30 PM
I know im SUPER late guys - and im sorry i heard this song awhile ago and i wanted to post it but unfortunately things came up. Anyways anyone who knows me - DEFINITELY knows my non-homosexual obsession for Keri Hilson! I FREAKING LOVE HER! I ABSOLUTELY love this new video - and the song! lol..she looks amazing!
For those who are in the Toronto area - she will be having a free concert over by Downsview park! On Wednesday, September 16, 2009 (7:00 pm) held by the YFS (York Federation of Students). A great pick York U!!
Below is the video to her newest song Slow Dance...ENJOY!
Friday, September 11, 2009
50 Cent - Doesnt he EVER get tired?!?
Posted by
Layla Adonia
10:34 AM
Ok so 50 cent has now taken another stab at Lil Wayne! I swear this man never gets tired of beef'n with people! WTF is wrong with him? He was at Howard University talking about how HipHop has been on a downhill slide and felt the need to use Lil Wayne as his ONLY example! UGH! Seriously 50 how about u focus on ur own music career rather than shitting on everyone elses!
Carmen Ortega & Reggie Bush?!?! SEX TAPE?!?!?
Posted by
Layla Adonia
10:26 AM
Ok so Carmen Ortega allegedly says she has a sex tape of her and Reggie Bush (Mmmmm - sorry had to take a She's come out saying not only does she has a tape of he and her - but he also was creeping around on Kim! SHOCKING??? Definitely not...i mean Kim's gorgeous and all but Reggie is FINE (not that I condone cheating)! Anyways - we'll see if she drops the BOMB and releases it!
...Lord knows a few of us wanna see Reggie on there! *winks*
Lil Wayne Tells All in Behind the Music on VH1!
Posted by
Layla Adonia
10:20 AM
I'd never thought this day would come but it has! If anyone watched Behind the Music on VH1 the other night then you have now been filled in from Wayne himself about his past. He definitely solitified a few speculations his fans may have had. SMH some of it was actually pretty shocking to hear it coming out of his own mouth. Some of his confessions were unexpected to say the least!
Ciroc Entertainment presents a Hype Williams production - ANGELS!
Posted by
Layla Adonia
8:45 AM
Not exactly sure how I feel about this video just yet...
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Ya Man Jigga on David Letterman!!
Posted by
Layla Adonia
10:26 AM
Jay-Z on David Letterman! lol..sorry the thought of that just made me laugh a bit. Anyhow! Soo is it me or is JayZ really taking on the media full court press?!? First it was with Bill Maher, now David Letterman, not to mention soon BET will be airing their "Converstaion" with JayZ himself!
As much as I love the man - I gotta say he's kinda awkward in
ATL Housewives Go At It AGAIN!!
Posted by
Layla Adonia
10:18 AM
You can certainly take a girl out of the "hood" but you sure as hell cant taket he "hood" out of the girl! The Real Housewives of ATL take more stabs at eachother on Ellen! Have u NO Shame? Perfect example of girls being catty - as much as it KILLS me to say this, I'm unfortunately starting to believe it - GIRLS ARE SOOO DAMN CATTY! Below is the video - Take it in and let me know what u think!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Posted by
Layla Adonia
4:07 PM
I suppose Oprah has influences Ludacris in more ways that we know. Everyone remembers when the entire cast of CRASH was on the Oprah show to promote their movie - yet it turned into an "Oprah hates rap music" attack on Ludacris (poor guy). Ever since that interview it seemed as though Ludacris music was never quite the same as it was before. He went from talking about Chicken & Beer to Runaway Love! Ludacris has been known to give back to the community in which he grew up in - and now he's blessed 20 individuals by making their day easier with a CAR! Dang I KNEW I shoulda been in ATL this past weekend .... God Bless you Christopher!
Toya & James - Happily Ever After?
Posted by
Layla Adonia
4:03 PM
It seems like our girl Toya (aka lil Wayne's ex-wife)from BET's Tiny & Toya has found some happiness aside from reminiscing about Wayne. Most of us watched the first season's episode where Toya and James Hardy get set up on a blind date together. Well apparently they're still together and happier than ever! Way-ta GO GIRL!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Yemane B. meets Jay-Z!!!
Posted by
Layla Adonia
5:43 PM
Im SOO impressed that someone took it upon themselves to play around with this and create a bridge with Yemane B. beat and Jay-Z' lyrics. It's your modern cultural hip hop Eritrean inspired!
SMH - Fabolous a SNITCH on Twitter?!?!?
Posted by
Layla Adonia
12:45 PM
I for one LOVE fabolous and was thoroughly disappointed after seeing this - HOW COULD HE?!?! Fabolous yes F-A-B-O-L-O-U-S is a SNITCH ON TWITTER! Fabolous was at a club that T-Pain was dj'n at in Vegas and T-Pain began to lash out at Jay-Z (who clearly wasnt there) - Fabolous then took it upon himself to BLAST what T-Pain was saying all over the cyber world! This has me looking at him completely much for "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" ... smh
Woman Tips Continued....
Posted by
Layla Adonia
12:24 PM
I did not think that men had that much to say about woman, I was CLEARLY wrong. Here are some more Woman Tips contributed well after the first 10 were posted! Although some have me appalled - I cant say that I disagree with all of them.
The first 22 were given to you by urs truly Daniel Zekarias! Enjoy!
1- Don’t make a man hold your purse in the mall or any other public areas... Really... It does something to our manhood.
2 - If you really want a nice guy, stop dating good-looking assholes.
3 - I dont care about your stories on how you got a huge deal at the guess store... or how there is a friend that can give you a discount... shopping is not fascinating. Ever
3 - Do not question a man’s innate navigational abilities by suggesting that he stop for directions.
4 - Your (insert appropriate item) butt-boobs-hair-makeup-legs look fine. As a matter of fact, they look damn good. So stop asking.
5 - If you truly and seriously want honesty, don’t ask questions you don’t really want the answer to.
6 - He was not looking at that other girl... Well, okay… maybe a little. Okay, so what! He was looking at her. Big deal. Like you never looked at another guy…
7 - It is not necessary to discuss the heaviness of your menstrual flow with him.
8 - Yes, Jessica Alba/Pamela Anderson/Halle Barrie is prettier than you. Just like Brad Pitt/Antonio Banderas/Tom Cruise is better looking than him. But since neither one of you is going to be dating any of these people, love the one you’re with.
9 - Any attempt by a man to prepare food, no matter how feeble (ie: Microwaving a burrito, fixing Spaghetti, etc) should be met with roughly the same degree of praise a parent might shower upon their infant when it walks for the first time.
10 - Just saying “Fine” is not at all an acceptable way to end an argument.
11. He doesn't want to be 'Just Friends' even if that is what he told you.
13 - Single women need to approach circles of normal dudes. Chances are you will have a lot more in common with someone who stutters and struggles to talk to you than someone who approaches you and spits a perfect line.
14 - Despite what you may have been led to believe, ulterior motives are completely a woman thing.
15. You are not a man! Therefore, you will never be: a role model for men, a father figure, a man’s mentor or a man’s coach. If a man has lacked proper male leadership in his life, kindly send him on his way.
16. If you’ve asked these questions, “Why doesn’t he call me more often? Why doesn’t he pursue me more diligently and why doesn’t he show me that he loves me?” Answer; he’s not into you! Cut your loses and move on.
17. Don’t deceive yourself, once you have sex with a man who is not your husband or boyfriend… he may never admit it, but he has lost a degree of respect for you. Don’t believe it? Ask any honorable man or virtuous woman.
18. Never allow emotionally unbalanced and bitter women to influence you concerning the male gender. If you do, their hatred and unforgiving bitter will become yours.
19. Don't ask us to decide or even give an opinion on everything. We don't feel 'included' by you asking us, we feel plagued and annoyed. And, if you really want to annoy us, insist we make a choice when we've repeatedly said we don't care either way... and then ask, 'Why?'
20 - If we're invited to a wedding and we've slept with the bride - ever - that's utterly, utterly, utterly all we think about throughout the entire ceremony.
21. Men, with a small number of exceptions, are not 'afraid of commitment'. The idea that men generally are 'afraid of commitment' is the offspring of a thousand, lazy, uninvented clueless thoughts. If a man doesn't want to commit, its cause he doesn't want to commit to you.
22. At some point during a discussion about care of children, your partner will say, 'Well, that's what my mother did, and we turned out OK.' Any reply of yours except, 'Yes' at this point is as good as pulling the pin out of a grenade and carefully placing it on the table between you. You may criticize a man's mother as she is today (she is, indeed, statistically likely to be as mad as a hatter). However, you must never criticize her as a mother.
23. If you about to give it up and you're telling me "I don't usually do this with just anyone....", guess what? We don't believe you, and we don't wanna hear it! So please, cut out the B.S. - Jack Ovall-Tradez Toronto, ON
24. Please wear shoes that fit!!nothing like seeing toes curled over the shoes when yall wearing flip flops or open toe shoes. - Tes Woldeselassie Boston
25. stop sayin all men are dogs and using that excuse to date women...then stop dating men to date someone who look walk talk and act like a man...matter of fact there goal is to be just like a man...but you dont like men anymore (Who you tryna convince me or you) smh...all men aint dogs just the ones you date...the problem aint the man its you and your choice in new he was a dog when you met him but you couldnt get past...(his swag, looks, car, money, body, etc)... - Rondell Eskridge Los Angeles, CA
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Posted by
Layla Adonia
5:03 PM
How DARE anyone compare Obama to Hitler?!?!? SMH.....HONESTLY they cant just leave the man alone!
Brooke and Christian - ENGAGED?!?!?
Posted by
Layla Adonia
4:45 PM
I for one would have never guessed it would have gotten to this point! Brooke and Christian from Harlem Heights ENGAGED?!?!?! Congrats to the both of them, however, are they REALLY gonna last? Like Seriously?!!?!?!? I'm just going to wait for the next season of Harlem Heights to come on because I just cant believe this!
Baby Mama Drama! Shame on U T-Pain!
Posted by
Layla Adonia
3:56 PM
So T-Pain allegedly owes his baby mama some cold hard cash. Its been reported that T-Pain's baby's mother, Elisa Hood, has filed papers in court after T-Pain has neglected to pay the $500 a month child support that he agreed to do. You may also remember Elisa Hood as Ms. Cherry off of that VH1 show Miss Rap Supreme (I personally never watched it, dunno how many of ya'll did).
White Man Giving Instructions on how to use No Lye Relaxer!
Posted by
Layla Adonia
3:41 PM
I honestly didnt believe this when I first was watching this. Its a white man teaching other "non-ethnic" aka black people how to use no lye relaxer, despite the warning label against it. First of all I don't believe what he reads out is the ACTUAL warning label - or African's Best is on their way to a lawsuit! Its just a trip!

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09/06 - 09/13
- Bill Maher's attack on OBAMA?!?!?!
- Tina Knowles throwing up the ROC!
- Baby On Board! Lauren London & Lil Wayne!!!
- Musiq Soulchild is DOING IT!!!
- Keri Hilson Newest Video - Slow Dance!!
- 50 Cent - Doesnt he EVER get tired?!?
- Carmen Ortega & Reggie Bush?!?! SEX TAPE?!?!?
- Lil Wayne Tells All in Behind the Music on VH1!
- Ciroc Entertainment presents a Hype Williams produ...
- Ya Man Jigga on David Letterman!!
- ATL Housewives Go At It AGAIN!!
- Solange & Wale - and item?!?!?!
- JUST MARRIED - Christina Milian & The Dream!
- Toya & James - Happily Ever After?
- Video of T-Pain SHITTING on Jay-Z @ Rehab in Vegas!
- Yemane B. meets Jay-Z!!!
- SMH - Fabolous a SNITCH on Twitter?!?!?
- Woman Tips Continued....
- Brooke and Christian - ENGAGED?!?!?
- Baby Mama Drama! Shame on U T-Pain!
- White Man Giving Instructions on how to use No Lye...
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