Tiger Woods - who would have thought he would be on Follow The L - anyway he was involved in a bit of an accident this morning. As he was driving near his home he hit a fire hydrent and a tree. Either he does not know how to drive or he had to be under the influence.
According to sources he was not intoxicated - so strike that thought. I guess he just does not know how the drive. Woods was sent to hospital for examination and he was released with just a few scars on his face. SMALL - he'll be fine!
Friday, November 27, 2009
Tiger Woods sent to Hospital!!
Posted by
Layla Adonia
4:16 PM
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Get It Right - Get It Tight!!!
Posted by
Layla Adonia
9:51 AM
With health such a HUGE issue within the black community - this man has single handedly made a difference with his intense boot camp. I can't help but to think this is pure harrassement but hey if you're signing up for it then you must know what you got coming....
Watch the video below and you'll understand EXACTLY what I'm talking about...smh...outrageous!!
Ms. Bossy is BACK!!
Posted by
Layla Adonia
9:50 AM
Check out Kelis' NEW JOINT!
What are your thoughts?? Yay or Nay?!?!
VUDZ Launch Party REVIEW!!!!
Posted by
Layla Adonia
9:18 AM
The VUDZ Launch was this past Tuesday, November 24th. Definitely something that all of you needed to attend!
Pics are below of the event. It was unique, organized and very tasteful. There was a draw for all those who RSVP'd with AMAZING prizes! The VUDZ Launch Party definitely was different from any other launch leaving everyone who attended with a nice parting gift. They transformed Chiggy's Touch (the salon) into a very open space where the Launch was held. WONDERFUL JOB putting this together - Thierry Lifestyle & Chiggy's Touch a job well done!
Ron Artest on Jimmy Kimmel!!!
Posted by
Layla Adonia
9:13 AM
Ok we all knew something about Ron Artest was a little off, but how are you going to come on Jimmy Kimmel in nothing but shorts?!?! The man's body is a blessing ladies!!!
Jimmy had a PAUSE moment when he asked Ron if he was covered in chocolate syrup lol..smh WOW! lol...this ENTIRE interview is hilarous - it'll brighten up your day ... PROMISE!!!
Jay turns 40!! YIKES!!!
Posted by
Layla Adonia
8:53 AM
Word is that Jay-Z celeb friends and fam will be ringing in his birthday in the Dominican Republic! I'm surprised he's not doing it bigger like renting out the entire Eiffel Tower or something! Either way I'm sure it'll be a memorable night for him since he will be 40! Yikes! lol..I'm going to bet that he's going to come out saying "40's the new 20"!!
Honestly ... I wonder if he dies his hair?! How is it soo black with not one grey!?!? Hmmmm something to ponder!
Day 26 says BYE BYE BYE to Diddy!!!
Posted by
Layla Adonia
8:36 AM
Day 26 has left Bad Boy! Surprised they even lasted this long to be honest! So the word is that Q, Will,Brian and Mike have signed with Atlantic Records! Hopefully they'll begin producing real good music! What Diddy had them on was a joke and it's a real shame considering they can actually really sing!
Diddy Diddy Diddy! He's just dibbling & dabbling all over the place. Now he's got that other group...maaaaaaaan there's just far too many to keep up and its not like their going to last very long. Not saying that they aren't good. I'm just saying...they're with Bad Boy!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Fed Up!
Posted by
Layla Adonia
9:17 AM
Drizzy Drake, Rick Ross, DJ Khaled, Usher....SMH...I could tell this is going to be a big track. As annoying as DJ Khaled can be at times he still seems to produce collaborations that forces to sing along. Fed Up is the song - Get familiar with it. They were shooting for the video not too long ago - more pics below...
Below is the song...
AMA recap!
Posted by
Layla Adonia
8:31 AM
Over all the AMA's were not anything worth talking about. The distrubing ending to the night was clearly a reason for people to talk about the show the next day because the AMA's didn't really have much that was worth discussing.
The disturbing ending that I'm talking about is Taylor Swift SNATCHING The Years Favorite Artist Award from Michael Jackson . You know I was there in her defence when Kanye West did her dirty at the VMA's but THIS....THIS I can't be apart of.
AMA's Welcome to my shit list!
On a lighter note - Our girl Kelly Clarkson shut it down. She's one of the few artist of today that can make me get goosebumps from just hearing her sing. The girl is BAD (Bad as in good lol)!!!!
Yea yea yea ...Jay-Z and Alicia Key's killed it while performing Empire State Of Mind.
Alicia Keys also performed Sleeping With A Broken Heart - so who else thinks this is a direct stab at poor Mashonda (Swizz Beatz ex wife) ??? It's been pretty obvious that Alicia has been going to sleep with a big smile and Swizzy!
WHITNEY HOUSTON! I was soooooo moved by her performance. She came out and performed Didn't Know My Own Strength and looked beautiful in that white dress. She looked AMAZING. Her daughter was right in the audience with a smile plastered on her face. She did an amazing job delievering that song. She's no where near what she use to be but she's getting better. This was definitely a milestone for her in getting her career back on track. I honestly think she's only going to work harder and get better after experiencing that much support.
Below is the video of her performance. Not gonna lie it ALMOST made me cry - YEA i know...I got feelings too!
Rihanna performed a few songs from her new album. Her outfit definitely got more attention than her performance itself. Extremely daring it was made up a bunch of straps that covered her in just the right places. Not to mentioned her shoulder pads had red lazer lights coming out of them. Interesting I know!!
How could I forget to mention the newest addition to her ink family. She came out on stage with a new tatoo going down from the bottom of her neck straight down to her chest. I only wonder how many regular (non famous) girls thought to themselves that was a hot tattoo and plan on getting it?!?!
I'm starting to think that Rihanna is out to ruin lives! Anyways that would really suck for her if she went bankrupt and had to try and find a regular job.
Lets just hope its fake.
Lady Gaga's performance was over the top - as always. You really don't know what to expect from you - therefore we just accept anything she puts out there.
She danced around a bit..nothing too special - and pulled an Alicia Keys and got on a piano. Started breaking a few empty bottles of old Johnny Walker all over the keys of her piano....regular Lady Gaga stuff.
Miss Underwood delievered a nice performance as well. Nothing too special, she just looked really good if anything. However they could have trimmed her eyelashes down for her. They were waaayyy tooo long - poor thing.
SO Jennifer Lopez definitely did try and do a come back on the AMA's...SMH.. believe me when I say all bad! Her performance had some sort of boxing theme...we get it..Jlo from the Bronx ummmmmmmmm but its not working for you this time honey. That may have been cute back in '01 when she was with Diddy, not so much now.
Jlo came out in sneakers?!?!?! Honestly when you have competition like Beyonce and Lady Gaga damn near breakdancing in heels, you're definitely going to need to step it up Jenny!
There was also this extremely awkward costume change on stage - I honestly thought they weren't going to be able to finish it in time the way her dancers were struggling.
Poor Jennifer - I just hope that Marc didn't encourage her to do this just to watch her crumble and have the successful music career out of the two of them.
There was a highlight in her performance though that will definitely make this a memorable one. Her fall. Below is the video clip of Jlo jumping off a few of her dancers backs and thinking she was going to land on her feet rather than her cushioned behind (which has decrease drastically in size - yea I was paying attention)

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