Thursday, March 18, 2010
[MUSIC] Drake Falls For Your Type!!!!
Posted by
Layla Adonia
3:29 PM
[GOODIES] Beyonce Crashes Alicia Key's Concert?!?!
Posted by
Layla Adonia
11:21 AM
BEYONCE's motive is pretty clear now. If you can't beat em, join em. LMAO..rather than competing with other top female vocalists she's been teaming up with just about every single one that is top on the billboards right now.
She is a woman with a plan and is sticking to it. She basically crashed A.Key's performance at The Garden last night. LOL...OOH Beyonce you are definitely killer!
click on picture to enlarge
[GOODIES] Diggy Is Getting Signed?!?!?!?!
Posted by
Layla Adonia
10:55 AM
WHERE does Diggy get it from?!?! lol...Well it seems as though that he's little freestyle video that was posted everywhere might have landed him a record deal with Atlantic Records.
NOT...I just got word from his publicist that this rumor is untrue....being a decendent of Run DMC; he's going to have to put in a bit more work!
I'm sure Rev Run would be proud if he did! Like Father; Like Son!!!
[GOODIES] Gabby Sidibe Is On A Mission!!!
Posted by
Layla Adonia
10:50 AM
GABBY SIDIBE or better known to most of us as Precious apparently has been talking about losing weight. Now I'm not sure if she's doing it for image conscious reason or if she's just trying to convert to a healthier way of living. Either way, I'm sure the criticism she recieved after the film Precious was more than she expect.
Sadly when on twitter and facebook I see endless jokes about Gabby "Precious" Sidibe as the pun to far too many jokes. Anyone making those comments ever think about perhaps how she would feel had she been reading it?!?!
Her mother even released a statement talking about it...
“The truth is Gabourey would like to lose some weight but the reality is that she would not have gotten the role of Precious if she had not been heavy,” Ridley said.
“As her mom I would like to see my daughter healthy but if she didn’t lose weight that’s not a problem either – it runs in our family.”
Well good luck with you're goals Gabby!!
[FASHION & GOODIES] Fabolous on the cover of Signature Mag!
Posted by
Layla Adonia
10:34 AM
LOOK at the sharpness. Fabolous is NOT holding back any sexy for his photoshoot with Signature Magazine. I have a great feeling about this summer and all the new trends in fashion coming out not only for women but for men as well. Fabolous is looking very HOT leaving the red monkey jeans and fitted caps behind.
This is exactly how I want my man (WHEN I snatch one up) to dress! Tasteful, grown,'re looking FABOLOUS honey!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Posted by
Layla Adonia
11:35 AM
A show you're not going to want to miss!
Spring is HERE and it's been very obvious with all this FANTASIC weather we're having! We've had a mild winter which gives us all the more reasons to look forward to this spring/summer. LADIES we all know what warm weather means....SHOPPING!!! GENTLEMEN do not be discouraged. This is a great event to take you're lady/friend to. She'll love you forever, PROMISE!
Be ahead of the curve with all the latest NEW/IMPROVED trends for this spring by attending SPRING TREND REPORT!
Look forward to seeing you all there!!
FUZE presents...
Monday, March 22, 2010
Fashion Show @ 10PM
Located @ The Fifth - 225 Richmond St. W.
Feature Designers:
Jessica Biffi x Mulcair x Brazen Hussy x Coccolily x Paris Li x Lizares x Hillberg & Berk x Psalms 91:1 x MICALLA x Blair Nadeau x Miss Niya
Click on SPRING TREND REPORT to purchase tickets
[NEWS] 3 Year Old Boy Abandoned On His Bday!?!
Posted by
Layla Adonia
11:27 AM
LITTLE boy abandoned at his 3 year old birthday party. WTH is this world coming to? How does a parent NOT KNOW where their child is, ESPECIALLY his bday. The scary thing is once they realized he was missing it took them another day before they began to look for him. SMDH...poor thing.
The boy is now in foster care, psffffffff as if that's an ideal place for a little kid. SMH parents plz start parenting!!!
Watch video clip for more info.
[MUSIC] Usher Tries It Again OMG!!!
Posted by
Layla Adonia
11:13 AM
NEW MUSIC by our boy Usher. Surprisingly this song OMG isn't as bad as his last few have been. It's most definitely an improvement from his last few songs. Who knows this track could be the one to put Usher back on his A-Game.
Produced by Will.I.Am take a listen to OMG by Usher
click & splurg

EVERY Thursdays: Saké & Soul @ Dazzling Lounge (No Cover)

Toronto - Every Friday @ Woo Lounge

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- [MUSIC] Drake Falls For Your Type!!!!
- [GOODIES] Beyonce Crashes Alicia Key's Concert?!?!
- [GOODIES] Diggy Is Getting Signed?!?!?!?!
- [GOODIES] Gabby Sidibe Is On A Mission!!!
- [FASHION & GOODIES] Fabolous on the cover of Signa...
- [NEWS] 3 Year Old Boy Abandoned On His Bday!?!
- [MUSIC] Usher Tries It Again OMG!!!
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