Sure enough Tyra Banks saves the day! Tyra had Lil Mama come on the show shortly after the incident at the VMA's and speaks on what happened during the the Jay-Z/AK performance...smh...NOW YOU CAN SHINE Lil Mama!!!!

Interview below!

Lil Mama:I don’t think it was as serious as everyone…… was trying to make it out to be….When I was sitting in the stands I was very excited and I felt the connection, being from New York, being in Hip Hop…Alicia Keys being from Harlem and Jay Z being from Brooklyn and I was just so emotional. I was really feeling it….I felt like I was being embraced at the time, Jay-Z was bouncing back and I’m feeling like this whole moment is happening but I’m not planning it to be a moment, it just happened.”

My comment: And this is why the rest of us have discretion - she clearly hasnt learned that every action has a reaction ....smh

Tyra: Didn’t he tap your leg though, like get back?

Lil Mama:But I didn’t feel it….I actually saw the tap tap later and I was embarrassed, I was like ‘Whoa, Jay-Z.’”

My comment: COME OOOONNN u felt it!! And even if u didnt..wasn't the expression on his face enough???

Tyra: How did you know to do a pose at the end?

Lil Mama:I’m a dancer, and I definitely felt it. I wasn’t there to ruin the performance, I wasn’t there to bring anyone down or anything down. In that moment I kind of felt it coming so I just went with the flow.”

My comment: Does dancing in your own music videos qualify someone as a dancer?? Yea ok so she judgest ANBDC - Bigg Whoop!

Tyra: Have you spoken to them since?

Lil Mama: “No, I haven’t, I have tried, I got managment to reach out. I would like to speak to Jay-Z one-on-one, just to see how he felt. I would just love to apologize…It was never my intent to be disrespectful to anyone. I’ve always been a respectful young woman in this industry, people know me for that.”

My comment: Sit down with Jay-Z one-on-one to apologize - more like hand him over a single in hopes he'll sign her? Doesnt lil mama know she can just tweet him with the apology? lol...

Tyra: Do you have a message for Alicia?

Lil Mama: “You can tell her that I apologize and I definitely plan to work with both of them in the future and I hope this didn’t rock the boat.”

My comment: The question is if you have a msg for ALICIA, Lil Mama...smh and yet she's still including Jay-Z in this answer....