You can tell that Shaq was that dumb kid in the class that would have the whole school try and get his hand out of the vending machine and would still do it again not learning his lesson the first time...SMH! Well ladies and gentlemen he clearly has not learned his lesson in this case- Shaq Cheats AGAIN!!!

Shaunie damn near cleaned him out the last time...and this idiot is about to put her in the same situation! Well more power to her if he's honestly THAT dumb!

Sooo apparently Shaq is cheating on Shaunie with another NBA players wifey...SMH Gilbert Arena's fiance Laura...smh...I don't know what Shaq is thinking considering Shaunie is BEAUTIFUL!!

“Allegedly, Laura and Shaq have been friends in public…and more than friends in private…for the past 5 years. Supposedly they’ve been flying to each others’ towns and up at different events. They even allegedly spent time together last Christmas when Shaq was still playing in Phoenix. Laura just so happened to be there “visiting her sister”.

I wonder if Gilbert is going to be going through with the wedding now that The YBF has posted up Emails from the two corresponding back and forth to one another!

Below is a picture of the Groupie gone Homewrecker! Follow The L does not respect Homewrecking movements Laura!!!