photo by Selina
TORONTO - Localers were warned to avoid downtown while the G20 summit was going on and those who thought about coming down that weekend were warned to STAY AWAY. Clearly it was all for good reason the mayhem and outrageousness has gone to new levels.
We all knew it was going to be bad but who anticipated for it to be LIKE THIS? Looking at the videos and pictures of whats has and is currently happening in Toronto is heart breaking. Our gorgeous city is being demolished. Civilians in buildings are on lock down. Just got word from my girl (who is in the Eatons Centre) saying that they arent letting anyone leave.
Stores all up and down Yonge Street, Dundas, King W & Queen W have been smashed. Straight violating
continue reading to see more the CHAOS...
photo by Selina
photo by Selina
Whats happening in this video is ...... I have no words...... imagine trying to get to your home in this?!?!
TORONTO - Localers were warned to avoid downtown while the G20 summit was going on and those who thought about coming down that weekend were warned to STAY AWAY. Clearly it was all for good reason the mayhem and outrageousness has gone to new levels.
We all knew it was going to be bad but who anticipated for it to be LIKE THIS? Looking at the videos and pictures of whats has and is currently happening in Toronto is heart breaking. Our gorgeous city is being demolished. Civilians in buildings are on lock down. Just got word from my girl (who is in the Eatons Centre) saying that they arent letting anyone leave.
Stores all up and down Yonge Street, Dundas, King W & Queen W have been smashed. Straight violating
continue reading to see more the CHAOS...

photo by Selina
photo by Selina
Whats happening in this video is ...... I have no words...... imagine trying to get to your home in this?!?!