LADIES, not to devalue the quality time you spend with you're girlfriends but you need to stop giving your girlfriends who have personal matters of their own the role of being your life coach. As if she's not trying to figure out this thing we call life for herself but to put anyone in this position who is clearly inexperienced is just unfair.

You're poor girlfriend probably has a whole buffet size table of issues she's trying work out in her own life without having to worry about yours. With everyone adopting such a hectic lifestyle it's more than likely she's got things like school, work, family & relationship dilemmas she's working out for herself without having to fit your issues in all of that as well.

Not to say that friends can't be there for each other but when you solely relay on you're girlfriends word, THAT's when it becomes a problem.

This post came about after a male friend of mine gave me a call venting about how his current girlfriend seems to follow through with just about everything her friends tell her, which is seriously effecting their relationships whether she sees it or not.

continue reading for more RANTING...

Ladies, it's time to be big girls and take into account the advice your SENSIBLE friends are giving you. However, there's a MASSIVE different with making your own decision or letting someone make them for you.

It's not up to the friend to tell you these things, hence why this is your wake up call. It's your girlfriends job to express how she feels about whatever issue you bring before her and simply be there for you, lend an ear and perhaps a shoulder at times.

Get it together ladies.......