NICKI MINAJ - The "queen of hip hop" herself went on LIVE with Regis & Kelly and performed Right Thru Me to promote her new album Pink Friday. Check this though, Regis most defintiely pulled some inapproriate moved on Ms.Minaj.

Not only did he slap her ass and hold her waist down like she was estimating her waist to ass ratio as if this were the Price Is Right but he also was saying some random a*s things that had viewers (as well as poor Nicki) SHOCKED. Who would have thought that Regis had a thing for black girls, I guess everyone does huh?!?!

Now getting crushed on by an elderly white man isn't new to any pretty black girl, HOWEVER, to do it on national television is a little extreme Regis. Poor Nicki held it together though, kudos to her.

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