THEN AND NOW -  Last night was a real eye opener for me in terms of why I (along with plenty of other wonderful women in Toronto) are still single. While I was watching Holidate on Cosmo Television last night one of the men who were up for a date made a comment that hit me like a ton of bricks.

Ladies it makes soo much sense, it most definitely isn't us - it's THEM! Yea we all are familiar with the idea of men being afraid to commit but it may not be really their fault, that's just how the cookie crumbles.

continue reading for the [GOODIES]...

So this man who was on a date shared his Boys, Guys and Men Theory. GENIUS! This is what it means...

0-24years old -> Boys
25-35 years old -> Guys
36+ -> Men

What this basically means is that in order to find a man who is ready to commit and date for marriage potential and not just for sport, you're looking into the 36+ category. Now of course there are a few exceptions to the rule and culture, personal experiences and such all play a factor. For the average man who is 28 and single, chances are he doesn't intend on getting married any time soon. Thus messing up your 2 year dating, 1 year engagment, married within 3 years plan.

Hmm not to discourage those who are hopeful romantics and feel as though he'll pop the question within the first week of meeting him. I'm sure those more realistic women who are looking for explinations as to why it's been so difficult finding a serious guy can appreciate the insight!

Happy Dating Ladies!