KEYSHIA DIOR - Has truly become 2010 "it" girl! With an extensive portfolio and an amazing team behind her she's undoubtedly left a lasting impression on most people in and outside of the industry and we've only been through HALF the year!

She definitely sets herself apart from many other video models with her unique style which she does herself, as well as portraying herself as a real woman in videos rather than these ridiculous proportioned fantasy play things that we're use to seeing.

Not only is she the gorgeous woman that she is but she's also a sweetheart. Doing something that most models ignore she (and her team) have made it a point to give credit to those who've supported her...and Follow The L is definitely one on her list of many.

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Not only does she model but is also a stylist as well. To get in contact with her styling contact and for booking her for any modeling work