WILLOW SMITH the next RIHANNA?!?!?!?  So Willow Smith...YES, Will & Jada's daughter has been signed to ROC NATION! In an interview with Ryan Seacrest out in LA WILLOW discussed the impact this heightened fame has affected her.

They even had Jay-Z get on the phone and discuss how he came about discovering her. He even compared her to Michael Jackson.

Continue reading to watch video of Ryan Seacrest's interview & WILLOW's NEW TRACK.....

So before you get into the interview you just need to quickly take in the song she's put out called Whip My Hair!

I agree with Jay-Z and I really do see a lot of potential in WILLOW to really grow into a serious performer. The song is a BANGER! I'd sure as hell dance to it shamelessly in a club and I'd love to see this little 9 year old's larger than life personality on stage.