For those who aren't familiar, the trompe l'oeil technique is one used to make two-dimensional imagery appear to be more realistic, giving off the impression that it is a 3D image.Trompe l'oeil is a French term, meaning "deceiving or fooling the eye". Here is a painting called "Escaping Criticism" by Pere Borrell Del Caso, using trompe l'oeil :
The incredible 23-year-old, Alexa Meade, who has never taken any art courses or prior training in art, experimented for 9 months with different types of techniques until she developped her own. Meade came up with a technique called "Reverse Trompe L'Oeil". She applies paint directly on her 3D subjects (mostly humans) and creates two-dimensional illusions. Her subjects actually look like they are a part of II-D paintings. Here is some of her BEYOND amazing work :

I could honestly stare at this all day long!