LIPSTICK.COCAINE.HEELS - A couple of FABULOUS women who have taken it upon themselves to deliver the raw issues of a woman's life.

"We are just the the raw essential of everything society and our minds have encountered...we don't lower our expectation we don't dilute or ideals and never settle or second rate those are for the lip gloss;crack;flip flops kinda girlie's!"

There most recent post they've made is something that I've been saying for years! When it comes to qualities your search for in a man, ladies there are expectations on your end as well.

continue reading for more LIPSTICK.COCAINE.HEELS...

They've touched on plenty of great points...take it in ladies!!

Lets face it, you wont get saved! Build your empire rather waiting for prince charming to come and sweep you off your feet. Men don’t want to settle down with women who don’t have their future planned or in their hands. We sit and complain about how he’s not right for you. Reality is your looking at your reflection. I guarantee if you work hard, respect yourself and conduct yourself as a productive lady then you will gain a good man. We live in a society today where people are attracted to your grind and hustle. We don’t live in that era where a women’s job was to shut up and look pretty. Blame it on the women who fought for women’s rights. Seems like for decades we’ve been crying about how we want to wear the pants, and some of us women cant fit into them. Instead of complaining about him, work on yourself. Cant expect a man who stays home every night when your always at a club. Cant say you want a hard working man when your unemployed. Cant say you deserve someone who treats you right when you don’t treat them no better. Lets face it, Prince charming is made for fairy tales. It’s a tough world out there, so put down the shades of lipstick and put on your boots! GO TOE TO TOE WITH YOUR MAN.