AS much as we hate to admit it HE is going to look! It's whether he has the decency to respect you and not do it when you're hand in hand walking down the street together and save that mess when he's with his boys, it's inevitable and is going to happen. 

Now how you handle the situation determines if you're crazy, jealous or "cool". 

keep reading for more...

I stumbled across these "tips" for women to deal with their googly eyed men....Not quite sure how I feel about them but I don't completely agree...

1. He’s being honest about it

If he’s looking blatantly, as irritating as it might be, he’s telling you loud and clear, "I find that woman appealing but I’m just looking - I’m not going to do anything about it."

2. He doesn’t compare

If all he’s doing is admiring and not drawing comparisons, let him be. As long as he doesn’t tell you what a great figure she has and you should work on your's too, or make you feel inferior using her as a benchmark, leave him to enjoy his little pleasures.

3. He doesn’t look lecherously

As long as he doesn’t make it too obvious that he’s checking her out or stare too hard at her, it’s harmless. Mentally undressing her or looking at another woman to the point it makes either her or you really uncomfortable, however, is not acceptable.

4. He doesn’t start fantasizing about her

If he starts weaving fantasies around the sexy women that he checks out, and if he spells out those fantasies and they start interfering with your sense of self-esteem, then you’ve got a problem on your hands.

5. He makes a disgusting habit out of it

If he enjoys looking at an attractive woman or one with a stunning figure, can you blame him? He’s only acting on his normal male instincts. But if he’s always looking at anything in a skirt, irrespective of the way she looks or dresses, that could rightfully get your goat.

6. If you can’t beat 'em join 'em

Instead of keeping a hawk’s eye on him and watching him check out other women, why don’t you check out some eye candy yourself. In case he doesn’t like you doing it, that will probably give him a fair idea of how you feel when he does it! After all, turnabout is fair play!

7. Beat him to it

Instead of getting annoyed when he looks at other women, you spot the woman first and draw his attention to her. That way, once you’ve told him to look, he’s only doing your bidding and you can’t get irritated about such an obedient spouse can you?

8. Find humor in it

Start detailing to him exactly how much time you’d have to spend in front of the mirror or how much of his money you’d have to spend on the fancy designer duds she’s wearing, to look the way she does, and obviously his pocket would be lighter for it. Tell him to keep a jacket handy in case she splits that exceedingly tight skirt she’s wearing or spills out of that daringly low-cut blouse!  

Ladies - How Would You handle a situation like that?!?!