Dr. Scholl's now has a product called "Fast Flats". This means that you can now purchase a pair of flats folded into a small gold clutch/purse. When I first saw this I was quite appalled. I really feel that you should be able to muster up the strength to keep your heels on throughout the whole night/evening/day without changing into some horrific pair of misshaped flats that will most likely set off your outfit... and not in a good way. What's worse is the little gold purse that accompanies it. I can't imagine why anyone would want to carry such a thing around (in public) for any reason. On the other hand, this product was probably created for the plethora of girls I see at the end of a night out walking bare feet. Shocking, I know, but I've seen it. I also had the idea that maybe these Fast Flats are intended for the "Walk of Shame" the next morning... Either way, it seems ironic that the slogan on the front of the box reads "Don't let your heels ruin your night!" Is anyone else confused? A nice pair of heels should make you feel confident and if anything, make your night that much more enjoyable. At the end of the day, if you can't take the heat, save the 6 inch heels for the women that can walk in them.