Lately, I’ve been coming across a new style of shoe that can only be described as ghetto gross. Seriously, WTF is wrong with these shoes? There are holes everywhere. Note to designers: this is not cool. I mean, I’m no fashion expert, but these shoes are absolutely hideous. I don’t get it; did someone forget to finish the shoe? Are designers still hurting from the recession? Did they run out of fabric? Who in their right mind would buy these? And get this, the pair on the left costs over $300 by Ksubi, whereas the pair on the right costs…wait for it…over $1400 by Vaz Rajan. I’m just baffled. Unless you want to look as if you live in a dumpster, do NOT fall victim to this ‘trend.’ On the other hand, if for whatever reason you do like this style, I’m sure you’ll be able to find these shoes in the clearance section of any store crazy enough to carry them. If that doesn’t work, just walk through a ghetto school playground; you may be lucky enough to dig up this treasure there. I can’t imagine this trend ever catching on, so I think we’re safe. In that case, excuse my little rant.