Me, Karla and the crew at @Karla “hustleGRL” photoshoot. Photos and behind the scenes video coming soon
SHASH Photography - by this time we've all become very familiar with the great work of SHASH Photography (Follow The L's official photographer) and we are proud to see such a talented man grow within such a short amount of time.

Just last week Nabil Shash of SHASH Photography and team did a photoshoot with Karla 'HustleGRL' Moy (the hardest working teen in Toronto, hands down). Luckily there was behind the scene's footage (shot by Kimba M) of the shoot and the pics came out GREAT!

Shash definitely did take Karla out of that seemingly "teeenage" look and Karla's maturity definitely did shine through the lens. She's not 17 years old anymore Toronto!
continue reading for the behind the scenes video...
Follow The L for more pictures of Karla shot by SHASH Photography

Behind The Scenes of Karla "hustleGRL" Moy's Birthday Photoshoot from Karla Moy on Vimeo.