NIKKIE SANTORO is now introducing you to BAMBI BUGATTI (new name) - what better way to let you know who BAMBI is than in a NEW SONG?!?! This time around Nikkie aka Bambi remixed Ludacris' My Chick Bad. Leaving out Toronto (how irresponsible of him) Bambi definitely picked up Luda's slack.

Toronto has been known to have some of the baddest chicks (take in the picture of Bambi above, need I say more?) so quite frankly I'm not understanding how Ludacris (a HUGE fan of Caribana) let our great city slip his mind.

Women of Toronto - Who better to represent us than BAMBI BUGATTI?!?! She's gorgeous, clever, ambitious...I've said it before and I'll say it again...a CERTIFIED {lipstick.boss}!

continue reading for the [GOODIES]....
Bambi slipped me this track last night - THANKS GIRL FOR KEEPING ME POSTED! - I must say by the 3rd time I listened to it (yes it was on repeat) I was rapping it like I owned it! Most definitely a track any Toronto {lipstick.boss} can appreciate!

DOWNLOAD Bambi Bugatti's My Chick Bad Remix by clicking TORONTO CHICKS BAD