After reading THIS IS YOUR CONSCIENCE's (TIYC) post Yes Men, Woman ARE Constantly Analyzing The Size of Your Richard I died mainly because I AM GUILTY! Yea I said it! People of TIYC you hit the nail on the head with this post.

Ladies & Gentlemen if you haven't already read it, they basically argued that women are constantly unconsciously and consciously sizing up his little man. Which shouldn't come as a shocker to most people considering getting that "good good" is on our minds just as much as yours if not more.

continue reading for more....

"Men You Have Caught A Woman Analyzing You, But You Just Didn’t Know It At The Time. Well Here’s A Tip: If You Ever Catch A Woman Staring Through You – With A Mild “WTF?” Look On Her Face, Chances Are She’s Sizing You Up. And The Worst Part About It Is They Size ALL Men Up, Even The Ones They Have NO Sexual Interest In."

Sadly most men just don't understand that last part. Just because you caught me maybe looking a little bit DOES NOT...I repeat DOES NOT mean I want you.

For more on this article click on THIS IS YOUR CONSCIENCE